The Bratislava self-governing region is located in the western and southwestern part of the Slovak Republic, covers an area of 2,052.6 km2 and is the smallest region of the Slovak Republic. From a geographical point of view, the location of the region is very advantageous, because it lies at the historical crossroads of trade routes - the Danube and north - south, the so - called. amber road. The current central position of the region in Central Europe, good transport accessibility and the function of an international crossroads in road and rail transport, the growing importance of water and air transport and the achieved level of indicators in the economic and social area are among the significant development factors of the Bratislava region.
The Bratislava Region is located in the western part of the territory of the Slovak Republic. It has good transport links to European capitals. Numerous tourist attractions are provided by Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia and the seat of the region. The Záhorský, Malokarpatský and Podunajský regions in the background of the city attract attention with historical monuments, natural beauties, cultural and sports facilities, specific gastronomy, folklore and wine traditions.